Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Capturing Unwanted Warm with the Greenhouse Effect

The green house impact is the capturing of unwanted warm by the increasing focus of co2 in the weather. The co2 highly takes up infra-red and does not allow as much of it to evade into area. This in convert can cause too many terrible repercussions among all of us like the improved warm in the world or climatic change. For example, it could be very terrible to places that lay by the sea. An estimated sea level increase of five mm a year means seaside break down, damage to environments, lack of area, and will power people to move. Another impact of the Greenhouse Effect is the increase and distributes of illnesses like Malaria and could cause to more warm related fatalities. The Greenhouse impact is not something to power aside. Although it could take 100s of years for it to take serious impact, if we act now we could slowly it down to its natural speed. When we look at maps and maps, they show that with our modern market growing like it is, there is an improved quantity of co2 launched in the weather which will, catches the infra-red surf and improves the warm even more than ever. We build industries, we drive vehicles, and we get rid of things up like non-renewable energy sources of our world, in which they all release more and more co2 into the planets environment. Another big way we are putting more and more co2 into the planets environment is the conversion of wooded area to farming use which redistributes co2 from vegetation and ground to the atmosphere(DharmaShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesglOBalization! Images of Diversity from Around the Globe 54 Point/Counterpoint Men Have More Mathematical Ability Than Women 61 Questions for Review 62 Experiential Exercise Feeling Excluded 62 Ethical Dilemma Board Quotas 62 Case Incident 1 The Flynn Effect 63 Case Incident 2 Increasing Age Diversity in the Workplace 64 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Attitudes 70 What Are the Main Components of Attitudes? 70 †¢ Does Behavior Always Follow from Attitudes? 71 †¢ What Are the Major Job AttitudesRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesaround nation-centered themes such as assimilation, push-pull, national identity, debates over national legislation, and diasporas with their attachment to home nations. Enormous and inconclusive social science literatures have tried to gage the effect of immigration and emigration on national economies, political participation, social structures, and national demography. Recent work on â€Å"transnationalism,† â€Å"diaspora,† and migrant networks has tried to move beyond this kind of knowledge, but moreRead MoreAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pagesdesign of an AIS, however, itself can influence and change an organization’s culture and philosophy. Therefore, with adequate top management support, implementation of a new AIS can be used as a vehicle to change an organization. The reciprocal effects of technology and organizational culture on one another, however, mean that it is unrealistic to expect that the introduction of a new AIS will produce the same results observed in another organization. 1-3 Ch. 1: Accounting Information Systems:Read MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesand political churning, how will these driving factors be influenced by the brutally competitive global economy in which organizations do not have any particular geographic identity or travel under any particular national passport? What will be the effect of the rapid gyrations in markets that emphasize the difficulties that accounting practices face in determining true performance costs and that forecasting programs confront in establishing the economic determinants of corporate planning? In addition

Monday, December 23, 2019

Book Review Patrick Lencionis The Five Dysfunctions of...

Book Review: Patrick Lencionis, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, is a narrative encompassing the successes and struggles of a group of executives working at fictional Silicon Valley company, Decision- Tech, Inc. Lencioni begins his story with the recognition: Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare, and it is under this premise that the entirety of The Fable presented by Lencioni will carry itself out, focusing on the hardships and intricacies of successfully operating a business that has so many expectations to fulfill (Lencioni VII). I feel that Lencionis work is exceptionally well laid-out and proves itself a must-read for anyone serving on a team as a subordinate or more importantly, a team leader. Lencioni allows his readers to see themselves in the book, understanding through their reading where their own missteps in situations of teamwork arose and how these missteps can be avoided in the future. Lencioni sets his story in a work environment that is vastly similar to the environments that so many of us work in on a daily basis, and in leading the reader through specifically laid-out steps that will aid in moving a team from dysfunction to success, I believe that Lencioni is able to develop a clear model that can be used far beyond his fable and into the landscape of the real world. In the first section of his

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Responsible Social Networking on Campus Free Essays

Responsible Social Networking Campus gossip websites were ideally intended to be used as a way to communicate with students and engage with peers in useful ways. I feel that campus gossip websites are being used unethically. Currently, Campus gossip websites are just now being utilized to start rumors and anonymously publicly bash fellow students without ramifications from school and related officials. We will write a custom essay sample on Responsible Social Networking on Campus or any similar topic only for you Order Now In turn, the students have gone to new extremes with malicious comments towards fellow peers and in some cases, causing physical and emotional damage with no clarity on who all should be held liable. A waste of time and energy is spent by students anonymously involving themselves in these gossip websites who knowingly hold such power to destroy a fellow peer and yet people still use them in all the wrong ways. It is completely unethical to post a rumor about another individual on a campus gossip website. There are standards that every person should hold themselves to and in return be able to treat one another as you would like to be treated. College should not be a place where students are more concerned about social statuses and stressed about being publicly humiliated by peers because of one person’s post on a campus gossip website. Cruel, hurtful comments tend to follow, making campus life for the targeted individual agonizing. Ethical conduct should be carried out day to day, through out every aspect, even when socially it can be easy to stray if you are constantly subjected or surrounded around peers who chose not to. It still gives no excuse to contribute to gossips websites. It’s simple, know right from wrong and conduct yourself in that manner, posting rumors on gossip websites results in nothing but unethical. If I were to read about myself in a posting on a gossip site of course, I would first feel the need to defend myself. Depending on the severity of the information that was posted, I know my first thought would be who did this and what this person’s intent behind doing so. The thought of having someone have such a negative opinion about you is very depressing. Everyone always wants nothing but positive things to be said when your name is mentioned. My train of thought would be to fight back, say something in response to let this person and everyone else know that what’s being said is nothing but someone’s personal attack for some unknown reason to publicly degrade me. My actions, on the other hand, would not reflect any of that. I have been in situations where I have read some harsh critics opinions and peers personal thoughts of what they thought of me and/or current status socially and acted on my first defensive thought strategy. The result never ended where my first intentions wanted to. Looking back after taking the time to calm down, reading both of our comments, I realized that I made myself look just as unethical as the person posting about me. I was getting drawn in, feeling like I had to respond back by using personal attacks to feel justified. Not responding and by not contributing in any form is what needed to be done. Of course, my feelings would be dishearten but overall I would know what I did was right by not having to be unethical as a form to feeling justified to prove them wrong. As of right now, schools administrators and even federal law cannot fully regulate or hold certain parties responsible who are at fault for these campus gossip websites. Ethically, of course this is not right. We are taught as children, that there are consequences for our bad choices. There are laws that we are to follow and if we do not, you will be held accountable and punished. So how is it that so many people have been hurt and suffered some mental distress and in some cases unfortunately, physical harm and damage? As discussed in* a case raised question whether colleges should be obligated to intervene when one of their students are targeted on a gossip website. A very concerned mother addressed an issue with the Dean at the University where her daughter attended because some explicit names where posted on a campus gossip website under her name. After the Mother was told nothing could be done by the University to block or remove the comments, she then decided to file a complaint with the U. S Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights stating the University was required to take action under Title IX, Federal Gender-Equity Law arguing that it interfered with her daughter’s ability to learn. After they reviewed the case, they ruled that because the comments were posted anonymously and not able to be proved students, and because the Mother did not identify her daughter by name to the University so they could properly investigate further, nothing was done. Certain steps needed to be followed like the daughter reporting the conduct to the campus police. Her representation stated it was not all a loss. The Department’s willingness to consider the complaint means that gossip websites fall under Title IX guidelines meaning in turn, more questions would have to be answered and hopefully, long term, Law and Regulations can be better stated and put into place. * Something needs to be done to hold certain parties responsible. So it is unethical that nothing is being done to stop this ongoing issue that has hindered many students. Sadly enough, cyber bullying and gossip websites has become severe enough to be lead to rape, murder and suicides. As talked about in*(http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/tyler_clementi/index. html) a Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi committed suicide after his roommate decided to live stream his intimate encounter broadcasting on twitter encouraging to watch and revealing to everyone that he was gay. He then was ridiculed as he turned into the dorm’s gossip. Tyler, a very quiet, reserved young man never spoke of his sexual orientation so you can imagine the extreme distress and humiliation that followed and unfortunately, 3 days later he decided to jump off the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River in an apparent suicide. There were 2 people charged in this case and in my own personal opinion, lightly and not even in relation to the suicide but more along the lines invasion of privacy. The case questioned Hate crime due to the sexual orientation and his roommate exploiting Tyler, prosecutors stating that his roommate was homophobic. There are many more cases like this maybe some not as extreme but how is it that people are getting no ramifications, no punishment what so ever for their mean attempt to harass, mortify and viciously attack peers leading to crimes in due result of anonymously posting on a gossip website. In this case Tyler’s was documented and more publicly noted by his roommate making charges easier but still not enough in regards to cyber bullying and being held accountable and who all should be punished. Responsibility to crimes in due result of a posting on a gossip website first and foremost the person responsible doing the act needs to be held accountable, the victims school if proper steps were not taken by the victim to notify proper officials to try to prevent the crime, and the website host should also be held accountable for letting people post such things that could in turn, lead to something as severe as a crime as a result of. Postings should be monitored and everyone should be under certain guidelines for this reason of crimes taking place. As Technology advances, we have to be constantly changing, learning and adapting to be able to communicate anywhere we go. To be able to attend College, it is almost impossible to be able to be successful without a computer, cell phone and internet. Having such access to information, constantly online talking with peers and other social outlets has become the majority of communication. In today’s culture, people spend more time on a computer than anything else and as technology advances, everyone feels urged to keep up with it due to its improvements to make day to day tasks as simple as possible, instant gratification to any task at hand. This influences our culture in many ways but in the case of how it affects the overall scheme of campus gossip websites, you can only imagine how easy it is to access this information and how easy it is instantly post. I think technology advances are meant for much more then to able to get on Facebook and post what you had for lunch but having such easy access to this gives campus peers way to gossip more freely. Word of mouth takes much longer as to posting online where you know it’s going to be seen in a matter of seconds. In conclusion, campus gossip websites are unethical. Posting rumors, spreading lies regardless of your personal opinion about someone, in no way shape or form, is going to accomplish anything positive for either person involved. Having to find any information about yourself is upsetting enough but to have to deal with it on a daily basis where more concern should be about education, not about being ridiculed or embarrassed by what someone post stated. Standards and laws need to be put in place to better protect students from being put in the situation where cyber bullying and posting anonymously goes unpunished by holding schools, the posting party and web host. How to cite Responsible Social Networking on Campus, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Do Corporations need regulations Essay Example For Students

Do Corporations need regulations? Essay gI hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.hThomas Jefferson, 3rd US president 1801-1809During the eighteenth century, corporations had fewer powers that we do now. They did not have limited liability. They were chartered for a limited period of time, (10 or 20 years), and for a specific public purpose only, such as building a bridge. Corporations were viewed differently in early times. They were thought to be good ways to serve the public good. But over the time, people forgot that corporations are starting to get so powerful and that they need to be strongly controlled. Also, corporations began to gain more power than the wealthy elite. Corporations like the East India Company and the Hudson Bay Company had been the rulers of America. So when the constitution was written, corporations were left out of the Constitution. From the past, corporations had been looking for a way to control state regulation and taxation. They did, by being able to control it by having the federal government say you cant discriminate, when discrimination meant any rule that applied just to corporations, such as railroads. Because Corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment, they require regulation. Whenever we fight for clean drinking water, or clean air, or a safe workplace, we are likely to find a corporation on the other side of the issue. The goal of a corporation is, first, to survive, and, second, to return a profit to its shareholders, not to mention for money and if the air has to be fouled to accomplish these goals, then the air will be fouled. Meaning, the corporations will do anything to keep these goals even if it means that they have to cause pollution or some issues. Pollution is one of the problems by the corporations that affect us. The Business Council for Sustainable Development thinks of this as gToday, for instance, the earths atmosphere is providing the valuable service of acting as a dump for pollutants; those enjoying this service rarely pay a reasonable price for it,. This is an example of corporations gexternalizingh their costs. By using the air as a free dump, corporations are able to get away with paying the costs for waste disposal to the people whi le they profit. This is standard business practice. At the same time, the influence of business is extremely strong over the daily lives of people. The temptation of high salaries in corporation business drags the smart, aggressive people into the corporate world, rather than into government or education, where it is most needed. This just even increases the power of corporations. When the education system is neglected, corporations educate workers and potential workers for their own purposes and not for the environment. This can make good, loyal workers that donft mean that they will become good citizens that understand the proper role of corporations. They may just turn out to be greedy, corrupt, money lovers in the end. Another issue is that because of the growth of corporate power, the reliability for enterprises to workers and the communities has declined a lot for the past twenty years. So in other words, workers donft find other job reliable to live with and frequently go into the corporation world, where there is sure money for their living. Right now about more than a quarter of the worlds economic jobs come from the 200 largest corporations. Also one-third of world trade takes place in different sections of a single global company. This means that prices are set, not by the free market, but by corporate leaders. With the unions continually declining in the private sector, transnational corporations are now starting to have more power over the political system. .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb , .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .postImageUrl , .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb , .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:hover , .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:visited , .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:active { border:0!important; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:active , .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u69e8f76b5c5bb0c4d624787053b290fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: jane eyre Essay SummaryThe disadvantages of the corporation developments are a shrinking tax base, a speed up of joblessness, building up of insecurity in the work place, increasing poverty and by taking advantage of the increasing global profitable opportunities is the fact that there are inequalities where there are growing highly, super rich people and poor. This is not good for the political image. Corporations affect other issues. Corporations are one of the main contributors to the depletion of natural resources and pollution. There have been several accidents of oil spills and acid rains, causing natural disasters. Also it worsens the issue of global warming. This corporation issue also has an effect on other countries.h Competitiveness is what is felt between corporations and to win it involve downsizing labor costs and increasing market power through corporate takeovers. About a third of the jobs in the United States causes the increase of glow-wageh workers in China, India, Mexico and elsewhere. For some time now, corporations have been changing into organizations using billions of money to obtain their goal. Time to time, the market place will check these corporations to see if they are doing anything wrong. If they do something bad the corporations will receive penalties that will affect their profit. However, these days people havenft been able to find an effective way of penalizing and have recently lost control of these corporations. So instead of controlling the corporations, we regulate them. gThe citizens of every state, acting through their attorney general, have, and have always had, the legal authority to go to court to revoke the charters of corporations that violate the law.h This means that lawbreaking corporations can be put out of business, and sold to other people as long that it will protect jobs, the environment and the public interest. Corporate crime is rampant. Out of the largest five hundred corporations, in 1982 revealed that twenty three percent of them had been convicted of a major crime or had paid more than $50,000 as a penalty for serious crimes. This is of course only those who got caught. However, some corporations want these regulations. Regulation limits their liability and in can protect them from competition. An example would be how tobacco companies claim that the warning labels on cigarettes blame them of liability for lung cancers. So polluting corporations actually want a permit system that regulates them, such a system that legalizes the dumping of poisons into air, land and water. To some corporations, the best regulations would be those that appear to cover everything. Therefore these corporations cannot be trusted voluntarily. Regulations were supposed to make these corporations accountable but instead the corporations have used these regulations as a shield against accountability. So according to the characteristics of a gglobal issueh the problem of corporations abusing power and needing regulation is indeed a gglobal issueh. It affects a lot of people, it affects other issues (pollution etc), it happens all over the world, and this problem is persistent and canft be solved alone. However, are the corporations totally bad? After all, we created the corporations to help us and it is our public interest that have gone wild because of our democratic freedom and changed into some international monsters of greed that now dominate the world. The corporations we see are the result of building convenience to the people. These corporations are simply one of the steps to grow. The corporation is not responsible for all this harm. The corporations are main things that will improve economy for better or worse. Corporations have taken over the government and turned it against its own people.Ralph Nader

Friday, November 29, 2019

An Analysis of Stealing by Carol Ann Duffy free essay sample

The thief is so lonely that he wants a snowman as a mate which builds a compassion between the reader until the use of negative connotations in the next line. With a mind as cold as the slice of ice within my own brain. suggests that this thief is psychologically disturbed and lacks compassion from the comparison of him and an inanimate object. This is due to lifes difficulties and the adversities of unemployment. Throughout the first stanza, the sentences are short and full of caesuras. This depicts the thiefs state of mind where the pauses show the confusion and chaos in her mind which doesnt let her be able to think properly. The second stanza contains a lot of violence with the words, dead, frozen stiff, fierce chill, piercing my gut, which can mirror the tough times in the 1980s when violence was very common and habitual. The thief seems sadistic when he dismantles the snowman as it makes him happy in imagining the children cry over it but also the way he compares the snowman with himself also shows the masochist in himself. We will write a custom essay sample on An Analysis of Stealing by Carol Ann Duffy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This ensures that the thief if definitely psychologically disturbed. The third stanza clearly depicts the boredom of the thief but also the colloquial language and his relaxed attitude shows the carelessness and thoughtlessness in him and makes it seem like what hes doing is completely normal. This attitude suggests that the thief could just be a teenager that takes the opportunity to go around stealing things while riots already destroy the country. The way he describes himself as a mucky ghost shows the lack of confidence in him and as much as he shows off his carelessness, he is aware of what hes doing. The sigh he does while he looks at mirrors seems like a tired sigh where he spends his time doing pointless things which shows the state of the whole country at the time; people are unemployed, they are bored and they have absolutely nothing to do. It seems daft now In the fourth stanza contradicts with the previous stanzas because in the previous stanzas the author had written in the present tense, I steal things. However on the fourth stanza he tells himself that its a stupid thought now, this indicates that this thief had been stealing for quite a while, wasting his time on worthless things but giving value to it. This reflects on reality in those times where unemployment meant no money and so people couldnt even buy the things they easily couldve before and therefore everything became more valuable. The last stanza is again about the things he had stolen but this time for his own good, to maybe learn and educate himself to play the guitar and read Shakespeare and develop his creativity. But nevertheless he got bored of these too because it never interested him as much as the snowman; the only mate he wanted to have in his alienated strange bubble. The poem ends with an imperfect question, just like how it started with a question. It is directed to the reader which leaves a wonder on the readers mind and also shows his inabilty to understand himself and express himself which again leads to lack of confidence. This poem is in the first person, the voice comes across as that of a thief. Nevertheless the reader cannot discern the gender or age of the speaker. There are five stanzas each having five lines which shows an organised structure however it doesnt have any sort of rhyming scheme, it has meany caesuras and it is irregular. This reflects the thiefs mind; looks fine and structured but full of chaos and convulsion. There is lyricism describing the snowman which shows the thief giving it a speciality from every other things he had stolen. Overall this poem gives out a social commentary on the inevitable reality of society and its difficulties leading to boredom and even insanity.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The French Expression Jarrive

The French Expression 'Jarrive' The French expression jarrive means Im on my way to wherever the listener might be (downstairs in the lobby, outside the building, at home, etc). Surprisingly, it can also mean Ill be right back, when youre already with someone and need to leave for a moment. In other words, it can be used whether or not youre actually face to face with the person youre talking to: both Im on my way there and Im on my way (back) here. Expression: JarrivePronunciation: [zha reev]Meaning: Im on my way, Ill be right there / down / out / backLiteral translation: Im arrivingRegister: normal Examples (Au tà ©là ©phone)- Salut Christophe, je suis devant limmeuble.- Daccord Hà ©là ¨ne, jarrive.(On the phone)- Hi Christophe, Im in front of the (your) building.- OK Hà ©là ¨ne, Im on my way, Ill be right out.(A linterphone)- Bonjour, cest le facteur. Jai un colis pour vous.- Merci, Monsieur, jarrive.(On the apartment entry phone)- Hello, its the mailman. I have a package for you.- Thank you, sir, Ill be right there/down.Houp, jai oublià © mon portefeuille - jarrive.Oops, I forgot my wallet - Ill be right back.A classic: you catch the waiters eye as he rushes past your table, and without slowing down, he says jarrive. While less common, its also possible to use other subjects, such asIl arrive - Hell be right here/there, Hes on his way.On arrive - Well be right there, Were on our way.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ESL PAPER based on ''outcast united'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ESL PAPER based on ''outcast united'' - Essay Example In fact, the coaching style of Coach Luma was what the kids needed to push themselves hard and to be better than what they actually are because it is only their selves that they got in a foreign country. This kids cannot afford to be lax because they do not have any support system to fall back on so they need to be pushed hard. In addition, the fiery style of Coach Luma may be acceptable to these kids who may have been desensitized already having seen violence and murder from their respective countries of origin. They may not take offense with the strong language and style of Luma because they are used to it already. Had Coach Luma Mufleh been a â€Å"nice† coach, these kids may perceive it as soft and thus weak that they would not respect the coaching style. This coaching style of Coach Luma is not applicable to affluent suburban town due to many reasons. First, their circumstances are different. Kids in affluent suburban town have very strong support system and they do not need to be berated to push themselves hard. These kids may be spoiled and Luma’s coaching style may not sit well with that instead of being motivated to train harder, they may fight back at the coach. In addition, there may be parents watching during training. If Coach Luma will do to the affluent suburban kids what was done to the refugee kids, the coach may be in a big trouble with the lawsuits that will be filed by the parents. Kids from affluent suburban cities are also sensitive and are not used to being berated. They are used to American treatment that kids are being treated nicely and protected by anti-child abuse law. If Coach Luma yells at them, the coach may be sued. Child abuse is a serious case in America. This is not to say that Coach Luma’s coaching style is bad. It is just that it can only be applicable and effective to a certain set of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Modern Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Modern Terrorism - Essay Example Tactics of terrorism, on the other hand, are said to predate even the historical genesis of the name, and have been in use for ages. That said, there is also some consensus that when one talks about modern terrorism, one talks about something that seems to have no precedent in history, and is therefore something that is totally new. True, the ends from the past and as they are now pursued by modern terrorists are the same, and that is to achieve destabilization and to be able to make gains in the political sphere at the expense of innocent lives lost. On the other hand, what makes modern terrorism different from older forms of terrorism is a set of characteristics peculiar to the modern age. This set of characteristics include the ability of terrorists to access technologies that are advanced in their capabilities to destroy while evading detection; the means available to instantly relay messages to the general public, such as the use of Internet technologies, social media, and tradi tional TV media; and the mobile aspects of terrorism that allows for the rapid execution of terroristic acts started somewhere else and ignited finally at destinations of world significance, such as the major world cities. The communication aspect is aided by the technological developments in communication and in the use of the Internet to propagate the terroristic message very quickly, thus aiding in the quick achievement of terroristic goals. Communication is said to have ever been a vital aspect of the terrorists work, and modern communication technologies mark a new phase in terrorism that is thoroughly identified with its modern form. Then too, advances in modern transportation and modern weapons technologies further add to the new and immense powers of modern terrorists to sow terror and achieve their aims via means that will keep eluding the authorities. One can say moreover that a fourth aspect of modern terrorism is this quality of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Death Investigations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Death Investigations - Assignment Example Mechanisms of death, on the other hand, are the preceding situations after the cause of death, for instance, is a person was shot on the head and the gunshot caused brain hemorrhage which leads the deceased to succumb to the injuries then blood hemorrhage is a mechanism of death. Mechanisms of death are not first degree factors that lead to death there must have been an initial incident which is a cause of death that will lead to mechanisms of death which will eventually transpire to the death of a person. Natural death is simply death, which is occasioned by natural causes such as terminal illness, ageing or situations like heart failure. This category of death is where the body of a human being ceases to function in its own without any external factor contributing to the same. It is commonly associated with the lifespan of an ideal human being when the body organs have performed their duties to their best capacity, and they would not function anymore. Homicide is where a person decided to take the life of another person purposely because of inherent reasons. This can be staged in a number of ways but the main point with homicide it is clearly planned and executed by those involved to kill innocent people in cold blood either by attacking him/her or using any physical or scientific means to execute the murder. Homicide may result from a person being poisoned by others or killed by police who were trailing maybe suspected gangsters, etc.. Suicide is a self-inflicted death that is purposely done by a person who wants to inflict self-harm or ultimately kill him/her through hanging, gunshot or even drug overdose.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Motivations of Counselling and Therapy Professions

Motivations of Counselling and Therapy Professions A friend in need is a pain indeed. With bumper stickers like that, it is hardly surprising that people might wonder about the counselling and therapy professions: Why would anyone in their right mind want to spend their working days listening to other peoples tales of woe, whether stranger, friend or foe? Is the desire borne of altruism, voyeurism, narcissism, masochism, egoism or some other ism? Could it be based in guilt, power, control, compassion, inferiority, a passion for puzzle solving, an urge to rescue or unmet intimacy needs? After all, the saying says you teach best what you most need to learn. Many therapists and counsellors may well be trying to work out their own stuff and that may even be useful if it is accepted that the person, self and psyche of the practitioner is an integral part of their working day. However, the so-called wounded healer must be extremely careful to ensure their own stuff does not get in the way of the job: To help their clients help themselves. This paper will review literature related to the reasons people select a career in counselling or therapy. While some authors group counselling and psychotherapy the so-called fifth profession others lump together social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and/or psychoanalysts. For the purposes of brevity, this paper will use the word therapist to refer to counsellors and psychotherapists, as does apparently much of the literature. To limit the scope of the review, it does not include literature focused on specific fields or client groups, such as school counselling. As most in-depth research related to professional motivations was undertaken before the 1980s when the social and professional landscape was considerably different most of the material reviewed has been written in the past decade as much refers to the earlier sources anyway. The major work in the field a classic two-volume study on the career determinants of psychotherapists by Henry, Sims, and Spray is more than 30 years old. While some more recent books touch on the topic through the personal stories of working therapists, new research is surprisingly scant. Various studies and surveys show the most common reason given for studying counselling or therapy as the predictable I want to help people but that is just the tip of the iceberg. As Farber and Northcross (2005) point out, the decision is not as simple as that and involves many conscious and unconscious motives, a little bit of chance and the real reason may not even be fully known until late in a therapists career. Motivations seem rarely discussed in mental health journals or coursework and are more likely to arise in informal conversations or therapy sessions (Farber Northcross, 2005). The question as to why the profession seems so uninterested in its own motivations would, in itself, be worthy of exploration. Sussman, through his 2007 book, and Barnett, in her journal article the same year, provide more recent insights into the unconscious motivations of those who choose to train and work as therapists. Sussman contends that the decision to become a psychotherapist involves multiple factors, some healthy and others neurotic (or psychotic), with motives and personality patterns deeply rooted in the therapists developmental past and the dynamics of the family of origin (Sussman, 2007). Barnetts study of therapists unconscious motivations for their choice of profession arose from her observation of the recent substantial increase in the number of counselling courses on offer and the number of people wishing to become counsellors and psychotherapists. In her interviews with nine experienced psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapists about their professional and personal histories, Barnett noted two major themes of early loss and narcissistic needs, emphasising the need for personal therapy for safe and effective practice. Farber, Manevich, Metzger Saypol (2005) took a two-pronged approach to the question, Why do people become psychotherapists?, by looking both at common elements and specific factors. Interestingly, the approach is similar to efforts in identifying the factors effecting psychotherapeutic change (Imel Wampold, 2008). Several distinct themes recur throughout the literature but most authors seem to agree that no single factor is responsible for a persons motivation to become a therapist. Just as the nurture or nature debate is inconclusive, so too may be the question of professional motivation. On the whole, two broad factors seem to draw therapists to the profession: Personal needs, whether conscious or unconscious; and the possession of attributes or talents lending themselves to the therapeutic role. Themes While a therapists personality naturally influences theoretical orientation and techniques, the emphasis on therapist variables in outcome research does not help explain what initially attracts people to the profession. A common theme in the literature is that of cultural or social marginalisation, the external counterpart of inner feelings of alienation and difference which may lead to concern with others and where we fit in society the concept of the wounded healer. Many writers mostly therapists contend that painful, early childhood experiences lead to a heightened awareness of distress in self and others, predisposing career choice. Considering the number of people who might have painful early experiences, the theory does not explain why only a small proportion of them choose to become therapists. Becoming a writer, or creative artist in any field, is perhaps as likely a response to early childhood pain as becoming a therapist. Psychological-mindedness an interest in why people think, feel and behave the way they do whether genetic or arising from childhood experiences, may be another core component in the would-be therapists make-up. Psychoanalytically, a wish to understand is in essence a wish to control ones experience or to avoid pain. Apart from thinking style and experiences, some therapists are no doubt drawn to the field by the promise of career satisfaction through personal and professional rewards. Other motivations might include a desire to understand or help people, enhanced sense of identity, self-growth, intellectual stimulation, autonomy and independence, freedom, making a difference, controlled intimacy, self-expression and authenticity. These motivations are likely to vary between private practice and the modern managed care environment (short-term, evidence based, red tape-ridden and lower paid favouring CBT, medication and the medical model). Many therapists hope to become an ascendant agent in intimate relationships without some of the risks for hurt and disappointment that we experienced in our earlier attempts at love and friendship, particularly within our own families (Goldberg, 1986, as cited in Farber et al., 2005). The need to help and understand self through the suffering of others may be a less conscious need. A career as a therapist might attract people who feel frightened and impotent, giving them a chance to control and influence their clients lives (Bugental, 1964, as cited in Farber et al., 2005). The parentified child, a role reversal where the child sacrifices his or her own needs for a parent and/or sibling, might also be a would-be therapist. Maeder (1989) asserted that therapists, as children, were often in the role of caretaker and confidante and chose their profession to fill their own emotional void. They were lured, knowingly or unknowingly, by the position of authority, by the dependence of others, by the image of benevolence, by the promise of adulation, or by a hope of vicariously helping themselves through helping others (Maeder, 1989, as cited in Farber et al., 2005). Sussman, through interviews with 14 therapists, found that therapists unconscious motivations reflected psychological needs related to sex and aggression, being affirmed by others, and feeling intimately connected. For example, a therapists needs for sexual gratification could be indirect (voyeuristic interest in patients sex lives) or, more rarely, direct (sexual relations with clients). Sussman posited that a career as an altruistic healer could be a defence against unpalatable aggressive instincts. A sadistic aspect of the profession was that, in often focusing on patients weaknesses, the therapist shatters their illusions and sense of grandiosity (2007). Ghent goes as far as to suggest that therapists are masochists: What other occupation has built into it the frustration of feeling helpless, stupid, and lost as a necessary part of the work? (1999). Sussman (2007) also suggests the existence of an element of narcissism among therapists who might benefit as much as their clients from the safety of a structured, boundaried holding environment on a regular basis (in fact, he devotes an entire chapter to therapist narcissism in his book based on a comprehensive survey of motivations, an extensive review of the literature and discussion of the results of his qualitative study of therapists). Narcissism featured strongly in another qualitative study involving talking with 11 experienced therapists (Barnett, 2007). Nine made reference to experiences of early loss and deprivation and eight to narcissistic needs. Alice Miller, in The Drama of the Gifted Child, proposed that future therapists often had narcissistic mothers and learnt to tune into others to stay connected (Miller, 1995). Of course, narcissistic personalities may adopt many careers other than therapy creative writers may also strongly tend to narcissism. Wheeler too warns of narcissistic therapists using patients as self objects who potentially massage egos with their adoration and appreciation, or support the therapists self-esteem with their dependence and vulnerability and they gaze into the pool of the clients eyes to see themselves (Wheeler, 2002). The therapeutic relationship is unusually demanding and involves being tested emotionally, intellectually and even practically and physically. Training and personal therapy can help with tolerance and understanding but the therapist needs the emotional capacity at the start. If the calling to this work is fuelled by the wounded healer hypothesis, the key question must be how psychopathology can be used to serve, not exploit, the client. Wheeler posits, if somewhat obviously, that the students desire to work with a particular client group might come from unresolved conflicts and represent a projection of the wounded parts of self. Interestingly, she questions whether the practice of ma tching like with like for example, pairing therapists who have been abused with other abuse survivors should be encouraged. Along with the possibility of greater resonance and empathy lies the opposite over-identification, projection, collusion, merger, denial or abuse. Perhaps trainees should be steered away from working with client groups with whom they have shared experiences to see whether they can genuinely enter the world of the other and whether there is a capacity for tolerating difference when there is less potential for self gain (Wheeler, 2002). However, surely the training of therapists should tell neophyte therapists before they start work with real clients whether they have the capacity to enter the world of another and tolerate difference without self gain. In their ground-breaking 15-year international study, Orlinsky and Ronnestad (2005) focused broadly on the formative experiences, practices, and development of psychotherapists at all career levels through a series of systematic, controlled, clinically and theoretically informed analyses. In response to a question asking To what extent do you feel that your development as a therapist has been influenced by the motivation to explore and resolve your personal problems? about the relationship of personal problems to career choice, nearly half (48%) of 3577 respondents answered much or very much and only 16% said not at all or slightly (Orlinsky Ronnestad, 2005). Work by Skovholt, Jennings, and Mullenbach identified several themes in the life of 10 master therapists they studied, including the presence of significant but not overwhelming stress in their early years (Skovholt et al., 2004, cited in Farber et al., 2005). Another theme in the literature is the role of intellectual curiosity, an early interest in reading and the humanities, and a teacher or mentor in the therapists career choice (Farber et al., 2005). Still, all these factors are common to any form of creative endeavour as an adult creative, intelligent children are typically curious, read voraciously, are good observers, and seek a mentor or trusted person who will not only teach them but be an audience for their thoughts and discoveries. Psychologists Murphy and Halgin (1995) compared a group of 56 psychotherapists with 53 social psychologists for their study into the influences on career choice. They found that clinical psychologists were more likely than social psychologists to have been influenced in their career selections by distress during their life, desires to resolve personal problems, and opportunities for career achievement and advancement. Most respondents did not view problematic histories as central to their choice of career, and the magnitude of difference between the two groups of professionals was small. The finding is perhaps not surprising considering the scientific nature of psychology where objective data and evidence-based methodologies might hold more weight than the self of the practitioner. In a qualitative study of social workers practising as counsellors and psychotherapists, Lewis (2004) found that gender and class had a strong influence on the career choices made by men and women in social work. Women in the sample had pursued career directions with a strong clinical focus combined with roles such as management, supervision and training and were more likely to express the need to balance their working lives with the needs of their families. Men were more likely to pursue careers in management and express feelings of responsibility to provide for their families once children were born. The analysis of data also found that men were more likely to identify their family origins as working class, while women identify their backgrounds as middle class. Zagier Roberts (1994) maintains that many of the conscious choices made by helping professionals are based on idealism. However, ideals are rooted in the unconscious and can contribute to primitive defenses, such as her example of psychoanalysts who deeply need to believe in their costly and time-consuming approach to continue the work necessary to meet their own unconscious needs. People with similar needs are often drawn to a certain setting to work through their own unresolved issues and this can stir up collective defences (Bion, 1961, cited in Zagier Roberts, 1994). Professional idealism and group identity can blind practitioners to the weaknesses of a particular therapeutic approach while failure in their work can trigger guilt and anxiety, prompting primitive defences to maintain self-esteem. As the person of the therapist is a tool in the work, perhaps workers hope that they have enough goodness to heal others. Healthy boundaries are necessary to ensure optimal distance between client and helper. Rigid boundaries and labelling clients as crazy or unfortunate and the helpers as the sane experts is not useful. The so-called charity model does not honour those who it seeks to help if the lines between sympathy and empathy become blurred. At the other extreme, professional helpers might feel guilty for being more educated or wealthy than their clients and may unconsciously try to lessen those differences through over-identification, leading to despair and burn-out. The need for clear client-therapist boundaries and realistic task definition is essential (Zagier Roberts, 1994). Personal therapy is another factor that seems to influence therapists career choice to varying extents. Having experienced the transformational effect of therapy may well lead to a desire to share the magic with others. Using personal experience to help another while continue healing ones self is a powerful motivator for many (Sussman, 2007). Controversies and debates The wounded healer notion seems to be one of the most common themes but does not explain why everyone damaged as a child does not become a therapist or why some therapists do not have a history of childhood pain. Farber and colleagues point out that adopted children are more likely to choose a career similar to their biological parents than their adoptive parents (Farber et al., 2005). The authors seem to think that the most essential of all factors contributing to therapy as a career choice is psychological-mindedness, which may be partly innate but increased through personal therapy and distress. They contend that high psychological-mindedness generally leads to a quest for greater understanding of self and others and ultimately the need to help others in a way that feels personally satisfying (Farber et al., 2005). However, as they point out, that does not explain why some therapists are more research oriented. One would not inherit psychological mindedness but, rather, a genetic trait of the order of introversion which would then evolve into, and be shaped into, what would be called psychological mindedness. Another way of understanding would-be therapists desire to help is through social learning theory that they have been differentially reinforced for certain activities, including listening to and emotionally supporting others. Perhaps it is not a matter of how much pain potential therapists experienced in childhood but how they perceive or construct those experiences. Rather than minimising, repressing or suppressing the experiences, they try to find meaning and make sense of them. Childhood, family, society and culture contribute to everyones choice of profession, not just therapists. The idea of the wounded healer makes sense that the therapist is psychologically curious as a result of his or her own personal suffering and conflicts, providing an awareness and sensitivity to understand and help others. Perhaps the question is not so much about whether or not therapists were wounded as children but whether they have begun healing their own wounds so they do not infect their clients or at least know they are wounded and are willing to consider the impact of this one their work with clients. Kottler (2004) is brutally honest about the realities, as he sees them, of being a therapist and asserts that most practitioners understand that they risk their own mental health through working so closely with people who are emotionally disturbed, in pain or in crisis. He wonders how therapists cannot but be polluted to some extent by the suffering of others and whether Freuds notion of detachment was more about protecting the practitioner than the client. Kottlers long list of negatives includes a sense of responsibility, repetition, boredom, feelings of inadequacy, isolation, brain strain, stress from systems and re-opening of ones own wounds. He cites the fact that even person-centred pioneer Carl Rogers nearly had a breakdown after being stalked by a deeply disturbed client, although other factors might also have contributed to Rogers vulnerability at the time. Yalom (2001) clearly regards therapy as a calling rather than a profession, valuing interpersonal skills, sensitivity, awareness, warmth and humour. He too is a realist sharing actual stories from his own practice and his writings inspire trainees. Yalom operates from an existential and interpersonal frame of reference, advocates a pluralistic approach and draws on a variety of theoretical models. He quotes Erik Erikson as describing the post-narcissism late-life stage as generativity, when people begin to focus less on self and want to pass on their wisdom to the next generation. Perhaps that could be a motivation for older students enrolling in counselling and therapy courses. It might be too that therapists real reasons for choosing to work in the field can be better understood with hindsight and professional maturity. Yalom writes simply and to the point in snack-sized chapters about balancing the magic, mystery, and authority that come with the job of freeing clients of their reliance on therapy. Sussman (2007) too provides inspiration to newcomers to this curious calling and both his work and Yaloms would do well as required reading in training for supervisors and students. Evaluation Limitations in much of the research to date is that findings are based on small sample groups (fewer than 15) for unstructured interview data and that comparison groups are rarely used to compare therapists motivations with other professionals. With the exception of studies by Elliott and Guy (1993) and Fussell and Bonney (1990), investigators have not used comparison groups to distinguish therapists experiences from those of other professions, such as teaching, nursing or accounting. As stated in the introduction, much of the data on therapists motivations was collected several decades ago when the profession was dominated by male Jewish psychoanalysts. It should also be acknowledged that personal motives are difficult to investigate, especially if not well understood by the therapist responding to a survey question or interview. Todays therapeutic landscape is vastly different with more female practitioners and a growing reliance on brief, solution-focused and cognitive modalities. More new studies are needed to determine whether the career motivations of therapists now aged over 50 differ significantly from those of younger therapists. Research on whether therapist career motivations vary with age, theoretical orientation or gender identity remains to be done. Conclusions So, what makes a counsellor or psychotherapist? Clearly, the question is as complex as the individuals themselves. It is likely that the answer cannot be found in a single gene, experience, mentor, book, film, event or training course. Most probably, the motivation is drawn from a mix of ingredients in varying measures including sensitivity, early distress in self and others, an interest in emotion and behavior, personal therapy, being a confidante and having an influential mentor. It should also be stressed that unconscious, dysfunctional motives for becoming a therapist, such as a need for power or recognition, can coexist with altruistic and caring motives. However, a motivation driven by personal needs, whether conscious or unconscious, carries a risk of harmful or poorly directed practice. Thorough interviews of prospective trainees, supervision focused on the self of the therapist as well as case management, ongoing or intermittent personal therapy, peer support and professional development are critical mechanisms to minimise the risk that motivations associated with personal needs do not impact on clients adversely. Without awareness of their own shadows and blind spots, practitioners risk using clients to fulfil their own unmet needs. Whether wounded or not, anyone considering a career in the field should illuminate their own hidden motivations before trying to enlighten others. Personal therapy and self-monitoring, whether through individual or group therapy, should be a mandatory requirement in training and for membership of all professional associations. Although the jury is still out on whether personal therapy improves client outcomes it should be stressed that nobody, even therapists with decades of experience, ever finishes his or her own work it is a lifelong process. Regardless of motivation, aspiring counsellors and therapists cannot be expected to be healed when they start their training course but must at least be open to change and feedback through the process if they are to help others. Periodically re-examining motivations for working in the field might be a useful exercise during times of uncertainty, fatigue and disillusionment. For example, therapists who enter the field primarily for intellectual and creative stimulation might burn out more quickly working in a managed-care CBT environment than someone with the freedom of private practice. Perhaps it would motivate therapists to attend more professional development events, join a peer network, or explore new theoretical models or client groups. Re-visiting the motivations for entering such a challenging profession could serve to revitalise, rejuvenate, renew, refresh and remind practitioners of the unique and meaningful benefits of this privileged work. As Norcross and Guy (2007) discovered in their interviews with master therapists, refocusing on the rewards of practising psychotherapy enabled many to reduce their work-related distress: Much like reminding yourself of why you fell in love with your partner, such reflection on your role as a psychotherapist can refresh our sense of calling (p. 20). So, what brings you here today?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hiroshima :: essays research papers

Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture, southwestern Honshu, Japan. Hiroshima has warm, humid summers with July temperatures. Hiroshima caught the attention of the world when a U.S. plane dropped the first atomic bomb on the City, destroying it on August 6,1945. The Atomic bomb blast in 1945 obliterated three- fifths of the city within seconds and killed about 75,000 people. At exactly fifteen minutes past eight in the mourning, on August 6, 1945 Japanese time, at the moment when the atomic bomb flashed above Hiroshima. At the time of the blast Mrs. Huts Nakamura, a tailors widow stood by the window of her kitchen, watching a neighbor tearing down his house because it laid in path of an air-raid defense free lane . Mrs. Huts Nakamura, who lived in the section called Nobori-Cho got her three children, a ten year old boy,Toshio, an eight year old girl yoke, and a five year old girl, Mohawk out of bed and dressed them and walked with them to the Military area known as the East Parade Ground. There she unrolled some mats and the children laid down on them. They slept until about two, when they were awakened by the roar of the planes going over Hiroshima. As soon as the planes had passed, mars. Nakamura started back with her children. They reached home a little after two-thirty and she immediately turned on the radio, which was broadcasting a fresh warnin! g. She put the children in their bedrolls on the floor, laid down herself at three o'clock, and fell asleep at once. The siren jarred her awake at about seven o'clock, she arose and hurried to the house of Mr.Nakamoto, the head of her neighborhood Association and asked him what she should do. He told her to remain at home unless an urgent warning. The Prefectural Government convinced, everyone in Hiroshima that the city would be attacked. Their house was 1,350 yards or three-quarters of a mile, from the center of the explosion. Timbers fell around her as she landed and a shower of tiles also fell on her; everything became dark and she became buried. She heard a child cry "Mother,help me!" and she saw her youngest child, Mohawk the five year old buried up to her chest and unable to move. As Mrs. Nakamura started Frantically to claw her way toward the baby, she couldn't see or hear anything of her other children.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis on Blanche DuBois From “A Streetcar Named Desire”

In Tennesse Williams' play, â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire† the readers are introduced to a character named Blanche DuBois. In the plot, Blanche is Stella's younger sister who has come to visit Stella and her husband Stanley in New Orleans. After their first meeting Stanley develops a strong dislike for Blanche and everything associated with her. Among the things Stanley dislikes about Blanche are her â€Å"spoiled-girl† manners and her indirect and quizzical way of conversing. Stanley also believes that Blanche has conned him and his wife out of the family mansion. In his opinion, she is a good-for-nothing â€Å"leech† that has attached itself to his household, and is just living off him. Blanche's lifelong habit of avoiding unpleasant realities leads to her breakdown as seen in her irrational response to death, her dependency, and her inability to defend herself from Stanley's attacks. Blanche†s situation with her husband is the key to her later behavior. She married rather early at the age of sixteen to whom a boy she believed was a perfect gentleman. He was sensitive, understanding, and civilized much like herself coming from an aristocratic background. She was truly in love with Allen whom she considered perfect in every way. Unfortunately for her he was a homosexual. As she caught him one evening in their house with an older man, she said nothing, permitting her disbelief to build up inside her. Sometime later that evening, while the two of them were dancing, she told him what she had seen and how he disgusted her. Immediately, he ran off the dance floor and shot himself, with the gunshot forever staying in Blanche†s mind. After that day, Blanche believed that she was really at fault for his suicide. She became promiscuous, seeking a substitute men (especially young boys), for her dead husband, thinking that she failed him sexually. Gradually her reputation as a whore built up and everyone in her home town knew about her. Even for military personnel at the near-by army base, Blanche's house became out-of-bounds. Promiscuity though wasn't the only problem she had. Many of the aged family members died and the funeral costs had to be covered by Blanche's modest salary. The deaths were long, disparaging and horrible on someone like Blanche. She was forced to mortgage the mansion, and soon the bank repossessed it. At school, where Blanche taught English, she was dismissed because of an incident she had with a seventeen-year-old student that reminded her of her late husband. Even the management of the hotel Blanche stayed in during her final days in Laurel, asked her to leave because of the all the different men that had been seeing there. All of this, cumulatively, weakened Blanche, turned her into an alcoholic, and lowered her mental stability bit-by-bit. Her husband's death affects her greatly and determines her behavior from then on. Having lost Allan, who meant so much to her, she is blinded by the light and from then on never lights anything stronger than a dim candle. This behavior is evident when she first comes to Stella's and puts a paper lantern over the light bulb. Towards the end, when the doctor comes for Blanche and she says she forgot something, Stanley hands her her paper lantern. Even Mitch notices that she cannot stand the pure light, and therefore refuses to go out with him during the daytime or to well lit places. Blanche herself says â€Å"I can't stand a naked light bulb any more than †¦ â€Å". A hate for bright light isn't the only affect on Blanche after Allan's death – she needs to fill her empty heart, and so she turns to a lifestyle of one-night-stands with strangers. She tries to comfort herself from not being able to satisfy Allan, and so Blanche makes an effort to satisfy strangers, thinking that they need her and that she can't fail them like she failed Allan. At the same time she turns to alcohol to avoid the brutality of death. The alcohol seems to ease her through the memories of the night of Allan's death. Overtime the memory comes back to her, the musical tune from the incident doesn't end in her mind until she has something alcoholic to drink. All of these irrational responses to death seem to signify how Blanche's mind is unstable, and yet she tries to still be the educated, well-mannered, and attractive person that Mitch first sees her as. She tries to not let the horridness come out on top of her image, wanting in an illusive and magical world instead. The life she desires though is not what she has and ends up with. Blanche is very dependent coming to Stella from Belle Reve with less than a dollar in change. Having been fired at school, she resorts to prostitution for finances, and even that does not suffice her. She has no choice but to come and live with her sister; Blanche is homeless, out of money, and cannot get a job due to her reputation in Laurel. Already in New Orleans, once she meets Stanley, Blanche is driven to get out of the house. She needs get away from Stanley for she feels that a Kowalski and a DuBois cannot coexist in the same household. Her only resort to get out, though, is Mitch. She then realizes how much she needs Mitch. When asked by Stella, Whether Blanche wants Mitch, Blanche answers â€Å"I want to rest†¦ breathe quietly again! Yes-I want Mitch†¦ if it happens†¦ I can leave here and not be anyone's problem†¦ â€Å". This demonstrates how dependent she is on Mitch, and consequently Blanche tries to get him to marry her. There is though Stanley who stands between her and Mitch. Stanley is a realist and cannot stand the elusive â€Å"dame Blanche†, eventually destroying her along with her illusions. Blanche cannot withstand his attacks. Before her, Stanley's household was exactly how he wanted it to be. When Blanche came around and drunk his liquor, bathed in his bathtub, and posed a threat to his marriage, he acted like a primitive animal that he was, going by the principle of â€Å"the survival of the fittest†. Blanche already weakened by her torturous past did not have much of a chance against him. From their first meeting when he realized she lied to him about drinking his liquor, he despised her. He attacked her fantasies about the rich boyfriend at a time when she was most emotionally unstable. He had fact over her word and forced her to convince herself that she did not part with Mitch in a friendly manner. Further, he went on asking her for the physical telegram to convince him that she did receive it. When Blanche was unable to provide it, he completely destroyed her fantasies, telling her how she was the worthless Queen of the Nile sitting, on her throne and swilling down his liquor. This wild rebuttal by Stanley she could not possibly take, just as she could not face a naked light bulb. Further when Stanley went on to rape her, he completely diminished her mental stability. It was not the actual rape that represents the causes for her following madness, but the fact that she was raped by a man who represented everything unacceptable to her. She couldn't handle being so closely exposed to something that she has averted and diluted all of her life – reality, realism, and rape by a man who knew her, destroyed her, and in the end made her something of his. She could not possibly effectively refute against him in front of Stella. Blanche's past and present actions & behavior, in the end, even in Stella's eyes depicted her as an insane person. All of Blanche's troubles with Stanley that in the end left her in a mental institution could have been avoided by her. Stanley and she would have gotten along better if she would have been frank with him during their first encounter. Blanche made a grave mistake by trying to act like a lady, or trying to be what she thought a lady ought to be. Stanley, being as primitive as he was, would have liked her better if she was honest with him about drinking his liquor. Blanche always felt she could give herself to strangers, and so she did try to flirt with Stanley at first. After all like she said to Stella â€Å"Honey, would I be here if the man weren't married? â€Å", Stanley did catch her eyes at first. But being brutally raped by him in the end destroyed her because he was not a starnger, he knew her, he made her face reality, and in a way he exposed her to the bright luminous light she could not stand all her life.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Mistakes

Life is full of mistakes. Without them, no one would learn any important life lessons. My parent’s marriage was a mistake, and their divorce has had the greatest influence on me. I am the reason why my parents got married. They never planned on getting married, and they really did not plan on having children. When my mama found out that she was pregnant, they both thought the only option was to get married, and of course, because of the time period, that was the only option. I was born on July 19, 1983, the day that set the record that year for being the hottest (I would have taken that as a bad sign). My mama and daddy had just been married on May 22. After I was born, all hell broke loose. Looking back, I realize that my daddy was never around when we needed him. He was always working to support his ever-growing family, or he was always out with friends, as he called them. Daddy was dealing with so much stress, and I suppose he thought arguing and fighting with mama was a good stress reliever, because he always seemed to pick fights with mama. I would always take control of my brother and sister, making sure that they were safe and out of harm’s way. The hostility continued everyday, until October 2001, when my parents finally got divorced. Living with the fighting really affected me in a bad way. I learned to run away from things, instead of dealing with them. As I got older, I began to resent my daddy because of the pain he caused my mama, and presently, I have a horrible relationship with him. I have negative feelings about marriage, because I saw first hand how much pain two people can cause each other. One good outcome from the divorce is that I now know to be cautious when choosing someone to spend the rest of my life with. Mistakes happen all the time. If my parents had not have made the mistake of getting married, then I could very easily end up in the same situation as they were. My parent’s divor... Free Essays on Mistakes Free Essays on Mistakes Life is full of mistakes. Without them, no one would learn any important life lessons. My parent’s marriage was a mistake, and their divorce has had the greatest influence on me. I am the reason why my parents got married. They never planned on getting married, and they really did not plan on having children. When my mama found out that she was pregnant, they both thought the only option was to get married, and of course, because of the time period, that was the only option. I was born on July 19, 1983, the day that set the record that year for being the hottest (I would have taken that as a bad sign). My mama and daddy had just been married on May 22. After I was born, all hell broke loose. Looking back, I realize that my daddy was never around when we needed him. He was always working to support his ever-growing family, or he was always out with friends, as he called them. Daddy was dealing with so much stress, and I suppose he thought arguing and fighting with mama was a good stress reliever, because he always seemed to pick fights with mama. I would always take control of my brother and sister, making sure that they were safe and out of harm’s way. The hostility continued everyday, until October 2001, when my parents finally got divorced. Living with the fighting really affected me in a bad way. I learned to run away from things, instead of dealing with them. As I got older, I began to resent my daddy because of the pain he caused my mama, and presently, I have a horrible relationship with him. I have negative feelings about marriage, because I saw first hand how much pain two people can cause each other. One good outcome from the divorce is that I now know to be cautious when choosing someone to spend the rest of my life with. Mistakes happen all the time. If my parents had not have made the mistake of getting married, then I could very easily end up in the same situation as they were. My parent’s divor...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essays

The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essays The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essay The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essay Essay Topic: Equus When person mentions the film Matrix. what most of us would automatically retrieve are the ocular effects technically known as slug clip. where actions or characters seemed to hold frozen in clip and so moved in a truly slow gesture. Since its popularisation in the film. many have adopted the technique. While many have started using frozen minutes. it was Tim Macmillan who discovered and developed that photographic method utilizing proficient and conceptual ways. Background Born in Portland. Oregon. on Aug. 3. 1959. Tim Macmillan has studied picture as a Fine Art pupil in Bath Academy of Art before switching to photography. It was in 1980 that his wonder was sparked and made him experiment in 2D medium to research 3D infinite. In other words. Macmillan wanted to use photographic techniques to experiment with clip and infinite. Macmillan found inspiration to happen a new manner to capture actions and looks through English photographer Eadweard Muybridge’s work. Animal Locomotion ( Prince ) . From 1982 to 1984. Tim Macmillan continued analyzing in several art establishments. during which clip. he found major ways to stop dead evident clip in a gesture image tracking shooting through the usage of multiple apertures. Name 3 Date Career Macmillan as an creative person is involved in picture taking. movie installing and telecasting production. At the start of his professional calling in 1984. Macmillan earned his life being a free-lance lensman and film maker. He so lived in Tokyo. Japan. to analyze Archery. His stay at that place lasted for five old ages before returning to the United Kingdom in 1990 to set-up his ain studio in Bath still making free-lance work. All this clip. Macmillan neer forgot his quest to happen that new method of capturing motion. Before long. he devised his first time-slice equipment. a petroleum camera design that shortly developed into something more sophisticated. In an interview. Macmillan named two inventions that helped him travel frontward with his end: the production of high-quality plastic lens. and the birth of the T-Grain 500 ASA movie ( Prince ) . Despite this progresss in his work. Macmillan was unable to capture the involvement of the advertisement industry. The medium was unseasoned and advertizers were unwilling to experiment in an invention that might do them to lose money. It was merely in 1993 through a primetime BBC scientific discipline plan that he was able to demo the populace an illustration of his work. What he showed on air stirred the populace. which likely why his technique has started to derive notice. After that. he was engaged by BBC to make documental series of natural history. He besides got calls from telecasting and film makers. Macmillan’s interruption in advertisement came in 1995 when he was commissioned to make the Name 4 Date London Static ad for Capital Radio by Smoke A ; Mirrors. He was shortly busily engaged making one undertaking after another. which included films and ad runs even in the United States. His plant included the film Wing Commander. Merlin. and ads for Nintendo. Reebok and Drug Free America. In 1996. Macmillan’s calling as a movie manager of music picture. commercials. and short movies started. A twelvemonth subsequently. he started his ain company. Time-Slices Films. Ltd. . with the vision of set uping the frozen-time technique within the telecasting and gesture image industries. It was during this clip that Macmillan reached the apogee of his end. He was already known and had proven his worth as an creative person. manager. and photographer. It was besides at this period that Macmillan had the perfect camera combination that could track shootings in any combination of time-slice motion. He called these cameras Susan and Josephine. As described in the artist’s Website. these cameras are portable and really efficient that they could track chetah running at 60 metres an hr. or dolphins in the Caribbean. and even snowball battles at below zero temperature. In BBC’s fresh assignment of a natural history series. Macmillan applied time-slice techniques in a more advanced mode utilizing a multi-flash system. In existent life comparing. watching this particular consequence in a film can be likened to walking around a statue to see it from different angles. Macmillan has realized his dream of doing a 3-dimensional scene appear planar to viewing audiences. Name 5 Date Dead Horse Among all of Macmillan’s noteworthy plants. it was his Dead Horse installing graphics that has gotten the highest acknowledgment and established him as an creative person of the highest quality. The graphics shows a adult male keeping a Equus caballus by the reins. The animate beings head near to the adult male. The Equus caballus is captured while its four hooves are off the land. organic structure striving from its reins. At first glimpse. it would look like the adult male is drawing the Equus caballus towards one of the stallss. But on closer review of the background shadow. a rifle can be seen pointed at the horse’s caput. The scene is in fact taken from an butchery. and the Equus caballus is seeking to fly from its decease. But it was already excessively tardily ; the slug has entered the animal’s caput. The work captures the animate being. which is surely traveling to decease but is non dead yet. It was a attractively affecting work of art. The Dead Horse has been dubbed a authoritative in the life dead genre. In this art. Macmillan showed that as an creative person he understood that picture taking life can merely be viewed as a re-animation that is neither life nor decease ( Barrett ) . Other Plants From 1984 to 2000. Macmillan has done 29 exhibitions and filmography ; eight agitation showing ; eighteen air Television work and time-slice particular effects ; and 24 commercial directing. His recent plants. through the Time-Slice company. include BBC’s Light Fantastic Logo. MacDonald’s. and Expedia. Plants Cited Barrett. David. â€Å"Animation. † Frieze Magazine Issue 42. September-October 1998. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. frieze. com/issue/review/animation/ gt ; Picture This place page. Tim Macmillan Touring Project. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. picture-this. org. uk/2000/tim. htm gt ; Photographers at Duckspool. Home page. 2004. Tim Macmillan. 7 November 2007. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. duckspool. com/duckspool/tutors/tim_macmillan/tim_macmillan_main. htm gt ; Prince. Ron.â€Å"Freezing the action: Tim Macmillan continues to make astonishing images and has some new fast ones up his arm – Special Report: Technology – Brief Article. † Advanstar Communications. Inc. June 2002. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //leo. stcloudstate. edu/research/mlaelecmedia. html # professional gt ; â€Å"Tim Macmillan. †Ocular Artists. 7 November 2007. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //realworld. co. uk/art/timmac/index. hypertext markup language gt ; Time-Slice Films. Homepage. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. timeslicefilms. com/ gt ;

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Recurring Theme in the Letter of James is that of Doubleness' People Essay

A Recurring Theme in the Letter of James is that of Doubleness' People Say One Thing and Do Another - Essay Example In verse eleven, he stresses this point by saying that a fountain does not shed sweet and bitter water at the same since this is a powerful contradiction. Nor can a fig tree bear olive berries (McCartney, 2009, p.243). In (James 2:14-17), he stresses that faith without actions is death. For instance, if a brother is cold, ill-dressed and lacks food and you say to him ‘go well eat and keep warm, you have not actually helped him because you have not provided to him his actual needs. Thus, this is faith without actions and should not be seen among Christians. Just as the body without the spirit is dead, faith without works is also dead (James 2:26). James, therefore, earnestly and unconditionally discourages the act of double-mindedness among Christians. He encourages Christians to put what they say into actions or in other words that Christians should practice their actions (Batten, 2009, p.145). Circumstances and Background of the Letter Some Christian scholars claim that the le tter of James was authored by James the Just, who served Jesus Christ and the Lord as a slave. The postulation also describes James to be the brother to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is, however, denied by some other group of scholars who argue that the letter is pseudonymous. Although the book is named after James, it was actually written long after his death. This was written, as they say, by a Christian member of the early church James led before being stoned to death in the ‘60s. The book is purported to have been written and named after James in order to honor and respect him for his works (Johnson, 1995, p. 163). The author of this book could not be one of the disciples of Jesus Christ since one of them was called James, the Zebedee’s son, who was martyred in the year 44 CE. The epistle was not written by then, thus, he could not have been the author. The other was James the son of Alphaeus who was not particularly prominent in the record of the scriptures. This dis ciple was unusually outspoken and, thus, could he have written the book of James, he would have indicated that he was among the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. There is a strong evidence that the book was written by James the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ to whom the resurrected Jesus had appeared to in a special way (Mathew 13:55; Galatians 1:19, 2:9). This James was also remarkably prominent to the disciples of Jesus and popular among them (Acts 21:15-25). According to the teaching of the book with the Symmachian sect, it is questioned as to whether the teachings of James were heretical (McCartney, 2009, p.265). The greatest portion of the scholars of the Bible has a belief that the book of James was authored by James, who was the brother to Jesus the Lord. However, scholars like Jerome do not marry the idea and think that the book was written by James son of Alpheus (Mathew 10:3). The view of Jerome is widely supported by the catholic believers to date. The protestant c ommunity strongly deems that the writer of the book of James is James the brother to the Lord (Mathew 13:55). The Jews of Jerusalem once valued James so much and enthroned him at Jerusalem (Acts 25:11). James is recorded to have supported some of the Mosaic Law, and this might have led him to write that letter which was in conflict with the epistles of Paul (Acts

Saturday, November 2, 2019

WritingAssignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WritingAssignment - Essay Example He criticizes not only the photograph but also the artist. He wonders why the artist would go to such a length of mismatch the title and the photograph and rebuts him as wasting his ability and talent. But who is Charles Baudelaire? One may ask. Charles Baudelaire was once a government employee in the French government bureaucracy. Many thought that this would prepare him for success; however, he quit his job to become a professional writer and an art critic. He wrote many poems which became the foundation of French symbolist literary tradition. He worked closely with ancient revolutionary French painters such as Delacroix and Courbet, who shaped his understanding and perception of art. Therefore, it expected that such a lover of realistic art would be averse to photography. Arguably, Alfred Stieglitzs Portrait of Georgia OKeeffe (1922) would not be approved by Charles Baudelaire. A number of things disqualify Alfred Stieglitzs Portrait of Georgia OKeeffe (1922). To begin with, the portrait does not convey much information other than the fact that it is a portrait. Charles Baudelaire would anticipate an imaginary representation of a piece of art that brings the audience to a world of fantasy. The photograph is dull. Secondly, the photograph does not show any contrast of colors. The background has no color connotation. It would enhance the hue of the portrait and perhaps make it more beautiful. Moreover, it would fit into the world of industry but not artistic realism. Charles Baudelaire opines that photography best serves to aid man’s memory but does not represent the mental world of dreams, imagination and fantasy. For instance, the portrait shows Georgia OKeeffe staring blankly into the space. It does not relate any phenomena or any natural event. Nevertheless, photography is an essential part of the industry. Although Charles Baudelaire offers valid

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Individual assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Individual assignment - Essay Example On such accords, the respective adoption of entrepreneurial behaviour may be associated to the increased desire of improving the economy via paths that are regarded fair for all. Entrepreneurial behaviour involves the development of novel solutions in the market with hope of capitalizing on the untapped consumer habits. Successful entrepreneurs are regarded to be able to deduce ideas that match the interests of their market in a rewarding and prolonged manner. The basis of an entrepreneurial behaviour remains on its ability to shape the considered consumerism towards the considered aspect of development and growth. Enticing growth of the economy is thus perceived to be an entity that comprises of differing elements of wealth generation. Arguably, entrepreneurship is listed among such trends and behaviours. The promotion of the various characteristics of entrepreneurship is perceived as an ideal path towards the address of the respective concerns of unemployment on any economy. Various authors have embarked onto various missions of presenting the respective role of entrepreneurship in any economy. Their publications have considered the plight of both developing and transitioning economies as the ideal candidates upon which their respective concern of entrepreneurship may be adopted. Additional concerns including the prospective role of such ventures in the shaping of these economies remains central in the description of their work. The perception of entrepreneurship being regarded as a tool of expression in respect to the development of an economy is regarded as the commencement point of the enterprise growth (Quereshil et.al, 200). The enterprise is described as the sole tool that promises immediate returns and ease in governance in the various states and nations. Such implication allows its elevation into a status that promotes economy improvement along the considered desires of growth and revenue generation (Glancey & McQuaid, 2000).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Influence of Recreation Essay Example for Free

Influence of Recreation Essay ?I. Introduction Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. People have always traveled, whether it is to conquer worlds, discover new places, for business or for pleasure. This need of man has consequently led to the development of different attractions whether man-made or natural. Recreation, it is a term that denotes the refreshment of ones body or mind after work that stimulates amusement or play. People have become too busy to take out time to look within, no time to interact, and have become so dedicated to work. Working can lead to increased stress, illness, disease or more. People werent meant to work themselves to death. There should be a balance of work and recreation. Our bodies need rest, relaxation and enjoyment every once in a while. Recreation is an activity, rather an opportunity to take a break, the much-needed break from work. The more recreation one engages after work, the happier and enjoyable life becomes. Recreational activities are widely popular across the globe. Some enjoy exploring to beautiful places around the world whereas others take interest in pursuing their hobbies as a means of recreation. Whichever way, recreation needs to be made a vital component of the fast life of the present times. Positive and enjoyable recreation experiences can decrease stress and psychological tensions. Leisure activities offer people with the opportunity to boost energy and emotion not being released in other aspects of their lives. Family bonds are enhanced by the sharing of leisure time. Families that do recreational activities together tend to be closer and improve their chances of staying together. There are a lot of activities to choose from with recreation. Some people prefer to do adventurous sporting activities and experience the thrills and excitement, while others prefer to light activities. Adventure and recreation in Philippines has been a part of the Filipino culture. The tropical weather allows Filipinos to spend most of their free time outdoors; children commonly play outside with friends. With this condition, the researcher is highly interested to propose a Recreation Center to cater tourists, families, sporting enthusiasts and host events which will enable to develop the tourism strategy of Batangas City. This center can provide best service that every individual should experience. Near in the future, it will be famous to everyone. II. Pre-Feasibility Nowadays tourists are discovering a lot new things especially to the place where they can visit. They really want to explore unique places for them to meet their expectation and satisfaction. From this, feasibility study regarding to the development of a recreation center will meet its objectives as part of our industry. These are the condition that will justify its objective: (a. ) The Recreation Center as part of Hospitality Industry (b. ) To increase the number of customers by at least 20% per year through superior customer service and word-of mouth referrals. (c. ) To create a service-based company which exceeds customers expectations. (d. ) To provide high quality equipment use in the recreation center (e. ) To provide extraordinary, proficient and suitable architectural design for the proposed â€Å"Recreation Center† that will accommodate tourists and the locals by introducing innovative activities to further promote tourism and exposure to the local market. (f. ) To provide excellent child play care in a eco-friendly atmosphere while ensuring our customers, receive excellent service in a playful, educational, and safe environment. III. Detailed Economic Feasibility Study In this part of our feasibility study, it contains the four analysis that tackles about the potentiality of the place to become a tourist destination, its future outcome and structure, what strategies we used in promoting the plan to the public and the possible expenses of the project. 3. 1 Site Analysis In establishing a business, location is always considered. The transportation that will be use is the primary needs of this business. In this study, this is well analyzed all the details according to the distance from the nearest town center. The next is the site itself. The property of the business and how the transaction of all the papers includes. It will not be successful without the environmental issues, because the recreation center that will be build involves with this condition. This market research show that these are the customer groups that are likely to be served. The business will serve a relaxation area because of the different activities it offers. For the building aesthetics of our project, we choose the ecological architecture. It is also known as environmental design combining aspects of landscape design. This building character will complement the outdoor scenes especially designed for leisure and sporting activities whilst considering appropriate facilities for the users. It deals with building materials and aims at minimizing the use of not replenishable raw materials. This means preferring such building materials as wood, stone, earth and recycled material like used boxes and barrels, and naturally it necessitates a peculiar style of architectural design as well. This design follow the concept of â€Å"GO GREEN† because of its efficiency and sustainability. Many eco-friendly building techniques with aesthetics that match the natural surroundings are now being incorporated in the designs. Ecological architecture is the most suitable character that works best for developments that are bounded by nature and caters leisure facilities and outdoor activities. The character of the structure will complement the nature where recreation and sporting activities occur. 3. 2 Economic Feasibility Study The researcher conduct some research and it’s true that tourism is one of the basic aspects that really affects the economic status of our country. In this feasibility study, the researcher aims to help in contributing to its aspect with the help of this tourist destination. This business will be known by giving and providing the best facilities and activities whoever will visit the center. The income of the business itself will increase and also its production. 3. 3 Market Analysis When it talks about marketing, first thing that comes to the mind of a person is about promotion, advertising and something that has to do in catching the attention of the tourists. The researcher’s marketing strategy is focused on establishing and promoting our project through a variety of marketing channels. An overview of our marketing strategy includes: Identity Development. This plan will be promoted through a broad mix of identity pieces including business cards, stationery, car signage, and other communications. Brochures. A brochure will be designed to communicate our presence, the services we offer, and the clients we serve in the community. Flyers. Flyers will be designed for posting at community locations that attract high traffic volumes of consumers within our target market. Public Relations. As owners, we will promote our company and its benefits to the community through efforts to have articles published in new media and efforts to gain coverage on local radio and television programming. Website. All brochures, flyers and other marketing tools will promote our website, detailing our services that benefit the community. Our website will also provide all information about us, our operational hours, schedules of events, and a registration form for online enrollment. Email. Email will be used to connect with our clients frequently through monthly newsletters and updates on upcoming events and special offers. 3. 4 Cost/Benefit Analysis One of the key of the business is to meet their costs and especially the benefit it have. Without the help of our generous sponsors Lucio Tan and Henry Sy, the researcher will not be able to operate without their financial support. The following lists will show the total cost in establishing the business. Expenses: Property/Land – 4 Million Php Corporate Sponsorship – 10 Million Php Installation of Machine – 1 Million Php Researcher’s Savings – 8,050,000 Php Increased Revenue – 250,000 PhpTotal Budget – 10 Million Php Material Cost – 2. 5 Million PhpTotal Cost – 18,050,000 Php Labor Cost – 3 Million Php. Operator – 600,000 Php Utilities – 1. 5 Million Php Insurance – 750,000 Php Operating Licenses/Permits – 350,000 Php Pest Control – 300,000 Php Minor Repair Maintenance – 800,000 Facilities – 3 Million Php The proposed project entitled â€Å"Batangas City Recreation Center† intends to introduce new innovative facilities to the locals and tourists with advanced, effective and functional design. This study will be beneficial to the following: Province of Batangas This study may serve as a reference to whatsoever future developments and plans that will be conducted by the city or the province in relative to the tourism industry. To the Local and Foreign Tourists This study is significant to the tourists as a reference for their activities to be conducted during vacations or leisure. To the Enthusiasts and Professionals This will serve as a guide in choosing the ideal location for team building activities. It will also aid professionals in selecting the perfect venue for their programs and competition. For everybody (families, couples, single) The Recreation Center was designed with you and your family in mind. We focus on providing an environment to bring the community together. It is a place for children, teens, adults, families, and seniors to socialize and exercise. The Center Focused on family entertainment in a family-oriented community, the Recreation Center is a project primed to take advantage of an expanding and profitable industry. IV. Conclusion The researcher therefore conclude the factors that influence the people to come to the recreation center. These are divided into five characteristics: 1. The Recreation Center can be used in any activities whether in group or individual. 2. The Recreation Center can provide highest quality performance that every individual can experience. 3. The researcher provide strategies on how they can meet the target market and how the profit will increase. 4. The Recreation Center, as describes above, offers numerous advantages for developers and also for the people who lives in Batangas. 5. The implementation of a Recreation Center here in Batangas City is highly successful because it will surely be a famous tourist destination. V. Recommendation After analyzing all the details of this project, the researcher recommended and suggested five criteria on how the business will achieve success in the future. 1. The People in-charge of the center should increase the number of supported services in order to maintain the clients and at the same time, they should continue attracting more tourist. 2. The developers should always give and furnish the best amenities and facilities to the tourist who will stay in the center. 3. The developers should have proper and wide marketing in advertising globally. They could make use of new techniques that will help gain more tourists. 4. Giving opportunities by hiring of employees coming from the people living in Batangas. 5. Continuing to give a hundred percent best service to the visitors.